SIT QUIETLY WITH ME, letting my fears and worries bubble up to the surface of your consciousness. There, in the Light of My Presence the bubbles pop and disappear. However, some fears surface over and over again, especially fear of teh future. You tend to project yourself mentally into the next day, week, month, your decade; and you visualize yourself coping badly in those times. What you are seeing is a false image, because it doesn't include Me. Those gloomy times that you imagine will not come to pass, since My Presence will be with you at all times.
When a future-oriented worry assails you, capture it and disarm it by suffusing the Light of My Presence into the mental image. Say to yourself, "Jesus will be with me then and there. With His help, I can cope!" Then, come home to the present moment, where you can enjoy Peace in My Presence. ~Jesus Calling (Nov 9)
Luke 12:22-26, Deuteronomy 31:6, 2 Corinthians
It's hard to not think about the future. And if you are used to hard times, perhaps bad habits from before you truly knew the Lord, looking forward to the future is filled with continued darkness and hard times. But as this says; all those images are false, they are not what will be, for today, tomorrow and always we will be in the company of our loving Lord. He is not saying hard times won't come, that bad things will miss us because we are His. He is saying that we will get through, He will help us get through by giving us the needed strength, wrapping us in His Comfort, protecting us from the strongest blows. He is always going to be beside us, often carrying us when we are just unable to take another step. There have been many times that someone has said to me, "I don't know how you do it. I couldn't do what you do." I smile, most often look up to the heavens and say "God, I would not be able to get through any of this without Him."
I asked
Christ into my life when I was 11, and it was just that I understood what he
did (for the most part) and I certainly needed a "friend" so I prayed
with a counselor at camp and immediately felt a difference, some simple form of
hope filled me, giving me momentary strength and courage to go through a given
day. A year later the enemy decided to wreck havoc on my life and I
became fearful and unbelieving. How could a God who is loving and there for me,
allow the terrible things that were happening in my life. I prayed, I begged God to change the circumstances but it didn't happen. Not quite a decade later,
I just walked away. I was broken from years of abuse and I believed the lies of
the enemy, and gave up on this "loving God" that had been shared with
me those years ago. I made bad choices, terrible choices with my life. I
endangered my life with many of those choices. But I am here to tell you that
when you accept the truth of who Christ is, what He did for you on that cross.
He becomes a part of your life, His Spirit a part of your soul; He isn't gone,
no matter how far away you try to get, how much you push away. He is there,
watching over you, protecting you; waiting for you, to choose to come home.
I did
finally make that choice, I remembered who He was, is and will always be. I
understood that He was protecting me all those years ago, for it could have
been so much worse. Even when I was living a life so far from Him and making
terribly unsafe choices, He continued to watch over me, this rebel child; a
true prodigal daughter if you will. Then when I had had enough of Satan's lies,
and headed back towards Him, He opened His arms to me and welcomed me
home. I was overwhelmed those first few months, I had done so many horrible
things,yet I was being told and understood that He loved me, that He forgave me of each and everything.
Don't give up, don't be angry when life is harder or doesn't seem to be going your way. Trust and have faith that He is right there with you, this moment is just that, a moment; don't forget in trusting your life to Him, You have all eternity to look forward to. Lord forgive our human minds and thank you for loving us and taking care of us, always. Amen
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