Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I say a prayer at 11:11

As I start this piece, it is just past midnight, an hour past 11:11 and the moment to make that ever faithful wish. I have perhaps at times, openly teased my daughters as they would say “Quick! It’s 11:11, make a wish” while quietly in my own mind, I would be making one too. Then somewhere along the way, I  remembered the Cheryl Wright song “Unknown” so I started bowing my head and saying a quick and silent prayer. I pray often, I talk to God often;  doing so out-loud as if He were sitting right next to me, then quietly listening for the wee small voice to guide and direct me. To confirm or persuade me in what ever matters are on my heart.

Growing up in the sheer dysfunction that was my life, even after accepting Christ, I can’t say that I prayed too often as a child or teen. Not on my own anyway, the prayers that I was involved with were always in a group setting and it would not be until years later, I would learn the art of spending quality conversation time with God. There are moments even today, when I struggle with finding those moments. Each night I try to remember to say my thank-yous for the day, ask for forgiveness if I realize I wronged someone along the way; generally it is short and sweet, basically getting the “job” done. However, there are those moments when I really start having one of those good heart to hearts with Him, often weeping as I pour out my worries and frustrations. Saying openly that I believe that every trial, every struggle is all just a part of His plan for me. But also just as openly, I have become more comfortable with (over the years) telling Him that I don’t always like it, that His will, His allowance of my continued and often repeated struggles are not my favorite things. Asking not so much “why”, but “how” do I change it, what do I need to do, to be better aligned with His perfect will for me.

Recently, I have been waking before my alarm, and I have started using that time to have quiet prayer with God.  Asking Him to help me prepare for the day, to give me the needed strength, to ensure that everything I do or try to accomplish is according to His will. It is such a calm and quiet time, I have generally rested well, and find a different sort of solace in those first moments of the day. I have also, recently started running again, something I did when I was younger and before I became so very busy with my four kids. It too, has become a time to truly connect to God, as it was for me years ago. My son, gave me a new iPod Nano for my birthday, it came with the arm strap so I can have music while I run, walk or whatever... I have most all my fave Christian artists loaded on it, so that I can have the music, the lyrics pulsing through me with each step; reminding me who is in control.  I used it when I was cleaning our church the other night, singing out as I vacuumed and did my other cleaning tasks. My own private worship session; that is until the kitchen light came on and there stood one of my “moms” from our church family, she merely smiled and said she had turned the light on so I would know someone was there and not be startled. We had a short chuckle and went about our own tasks. There have been other times, when I have been alone in the church, cleaning and I just talk to God.  I pray, I sing, I connect; and He connects back to me. I could have walked in there, often quite late in the evening, wishing I had better planned my day; my weekend for that matter and perhaps not really wanting to be there at all.
Yet, once I enter that sanctuary alone, I am quickly reminded that I am NOT alone and His spirit fills my heart and soul and comforts me. Songs of prayer and praise move through me and I am singing out, enjoying the acoustics of the surrounding emptiness.
So I sing, I pray, and for that hour or two nothing can harm me or tear me down. His loving arms are wrapped around me, His gentle hand wipes away my tears. He as He promises in His word, takes care of this lost soul. Lifting me back up and encouraging me to trust, to have faith, and to love as He loves.

So if you believe in the magic of an 11:11 wish, try this: TRUST in the truth of a simple prayer at that same time, or ANY time for that matter. Have faith that in offering your troubles, your requests to God, that they will be answered. Perhaps not as we hope, but as He sees is right for us. Often in the beginning of our Christian journey, our wants and needs are not aligned. Often our prayers might seem somewhat needy, even greedy at times. Perhaps we barter, or give ultimatums. But I can honestly say that it does change  in time if you are truly reaching out to Him in prayer and asking to be conscious of His will for you, it does happen. You will become content in the simple things, and more grateful than ever when the smallest of miracles appear in your life. People will see it too. I often have people say to me “I don’t know how you do it” or “How do you do it Laurie?”  I always have the same one answer, “GOD.” He always provides us with everything we need. We don’t always have a lot of extras, but we have the necessities of life; a roof over our heads, food to eat, a working vehicle, and even though I do complain from time to time, I have a job too. These few facts bring me comfort and make me smile. Then I often add, “God is Good. All the Time.”  Because He is.

So the next time it’s 11:11 and you think about making a wish, say a prayer instead. Believe in the miracle of a conversation with God.

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