Once again, it is my pull to an old TV show that inspires me to write a new entry. Netflix is great, and over the coarse of the summer I found another show to begin re-watching; the show Charmed. In the beginning it was fun, catching up on episodes I missed the first time around, remembering things that I had forgotten about. But as I progressed, I remembered why it had been so long since I had seen much of the show. It wasn't just the fact that we have not had cable in years, but that somewhere along the way things began disturbing me (especially my sleep) and I abruptly stopped watching the show. Now here I am, years have passed, and once again I have done just that; stopped watching. Finding it quite significant that I am practically in the same spot where I stopped watching all those years ago.
In the past I had rationalized that it was an OK show because it was about good and evil. Yet, it is not just a show about good and evil, where primarily (at least thru the 4 -4 1/2 years that I watched it) good prevails. But it became a program where someone was pushing the envelope on the evil side of things, seeing just how creepy and demonic they could make the bad guys. I did however, always like the idea of the three good 'witches' working together to protect and serve those in need, the innocents. I was a bit frustrated, even disturbed when one of those sisters was so easily replaced, so that the "Power of Three" could carry on and continue fulfilling their "destiny". It's a catchy phrase, the 'power of three', and as I have once again stopped watching and been directing my mind and thoughts towards other things, I am reminded of a much more powerful 'Three".
The Trinity defines God as three divine persons — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — distinctly coexisting in unity as co-equal, co-eternal, and con-substantial, or of one being.
We had a guest pastor this past Sunday at church and he taught from the book of Romans, including being separated "to" righteousness. He stated that through surrender we need to be dead to sin, married to Christ and to walk in the Spirit. As he spoke about this position of righteousness, as he called it; I scribbled down the words "the power of three" on the side of the handout we had been given to go along with the sermon.
Each one of us, as Christians who truly believe; contains a part of that 'power of three' within us, via the Holy Spirit. So with that given fact, we have the power and ability to protect and serve, to help the innocent. How many of us do that? Look within ourselves, for that said power. Then look outside ourselves and ask to be directed to those more needy than ourselves and make efforts to make a difference. To protect, to reach out, to lift up someone other than ourselves. Something other than what might be beneficial to us on a personal level. Random Acts of Kindness, Pay it Forward, those are both led of the Spirit, the power of three in action.
As a single parent, I can not count how many times I have been the reciprocate of some sort of kindness or generosity. As in the past 15 years I have been surrounded by the body of Christ in one place or another and members of that body did (from their hearts) what the word (God breathed) instructs us to do, look after the fatherless, the widows, those in need. I am blessed because of those gifts, not for their monetary value, but for their heart value. Each time I was reached out to, I felt a part of, included, cared about; loved. Often these were friends, my church family who said "here, let us help you" More often than not, it was anonymous and only God Himself knows those who reached outside of their own, to help someone more in need than the reflection in the mirror. These ordinary people who on a daily basis try to live His Word and "walk the walk" not just "talk the talk".
On occasion, I too have been able to reach out, give back, pay it forward myself.
Those moments I treasure, and I look forward to the times in the future when I can do it more and more; giving back as it has been given to me. Allowing the Spirit within me, my own power of three to guide me to the next person in need, the lost and hurting soul. When we feel that guiding, when we hear the wee small voice of God; knowing the truth of the Spirit, allowing it to be a part of us. We then have the power to defeat anything satan is allowed to throw our way.
Evil is real, and unlike being able to stop watching a TV show because it disturbs me, I can not control the evil around me, let alone make it go away. I can however, with the power of God Himself, via the Holy Spirit, fight it. I can fight all of it; financial struggles, relationship difficulties, worry and depression. None of these 'demons' are bigger than my God, or the strength that He gives me, I am a part of the mightiest power of three.
I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13